Secure your account

     2nd factor authentication avoid hackers access to your account in case credentials are stolen. If your account has 2nd authentication factor activated, you must follow next steps. Only users registered with e-mail domain different from can chose between APP or e-mail to received 2nd authenticator factor, the rest of users must use an APP installed in their handset.

APP for 2nd factor authentication:

     1. Download Microsoft Authenticator APP or Latch APP from your mobile applications catalog (AppleStore or GoogleStore)

     2. Access SUGUS from your laptop using your credentials

     3. If your email does not have the domain you will be shown a selection screen. Choose the option "One Time Pin obtained from Mobile APP" and click OK. If your email is this screen will not be shown. Continue to the next step.

     4. From the "Second Authentication Factor" screen click on "How to obtain the One Time Pin code" and follow the instructions.

Note: Every time you access SUGUS, after introducing your credentials you will be asked to introduce a code provide by de APP, be fast!!! The code will expire after a few seconds.

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